Help us provide HOPE

More Ways to Give HOPE

Memorial & Honorary Gifts

A donation to HOPE Atlanta in a loved one’s name is a special way to memorialize a friend or family member, or honor them on special occasions like birthdays.


Workplace Giving

Maximize your impact through your employer’s programs

Corporate Gift Matching. Did you know that most companies with gift-matching programs allow you to choose which 501(c)(3) you want the gift to benefit? Check your company’s policies to see if there’s an opportunity to double your impact.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

United Way Annual Giving. If you’re donating to United Way through your employer, you can earmark your donations (and any matching employer donations) for HOPE Atlanta. Be sure to choose Travelers Aid/HOPE Atlanta when you sign up.


Interested in learning more about corporate matching donations or getting your company enrolled with HOPE Atlanta? Contact

Monthly Giving

Join our HOPE365 monthly giving program

When you make it a habit to give back, you help us provide a much-needed, year-round support system for Georgians in need. You can choose any amount that works for you, knowing that your generosity will make a difference in people’s lives by helping to provide necessities like:


  • MARTA cards to get to work or job interviews   
  • Rental assistance to prevent eviction 
  • Medical co-pays and prescriptions   
  • Meals to help close the gap for kids who rely on school lunches   
  • Food boxes to help stretch the household budget

Heroes for HOPE

Attend or sponsor our annual fundraising gala

Our largest annual fundraising event offers several sponsorship packages and opportunities to gain exposure among our engaged and impassioned audience—both during the event and throughout the year.

Our 2022 Heroes for HOPE event is a wrap! Thanks to everyone who helped us raise $500,000 throughout the campaign.

See you next year!

Stock Gifts

Amplify your impact


Gifts of stock, bonds and mutual funds allow you to potentially avoid capital gains tax liability. For this reason, stock gifts to HOPE Atlanta unlock up to 20% in additional funds for families and individuals experiencing or at-risk homelessness. Plus, you can deduct the donation’s full amount from your income taxes.

Click here for instructions on donating stock assets to HOPE Atlanta.

Passive Fundraising

Earn money for HOPE Atlanta with everyday transactions

AmazonSmile. Instead of, enter into your browser to ensure a portion of your purchase goes to HOPE Atlanta. Just be sure to set us as your preferred charity.


Kroger grocery purchases. You could be earning money for HOPE Atlanta every time you shop using your Kroger Plus card. Just go to the “Community Rewards” section under My Account and choose HOPE Atlanta as your preferred organization.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Rally your friends and family to help fight homelessness and hunger in our community!

Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, want to honor someone special, or simply feel moved to make a difference, starting your own fundraiser is an easy way to amplify your impact.

Donate by Mail


To make a donation by mail, please send your check to:


HOPE Atlanta

Attn: Kellie Glenn

458 Ponce de Leon Ave. NE

Building B, Terrace Level

Atlanta, GA 30308

Please note that our legal name is Travelers Aid of Metropolitan Atlanta Inc. and our Tax ID is 58-0566247.

Hope Atl Client Portraits_20200214_-237

Donate Now

Join the growing movement to end homelessness, hunger and inequality in Metro Atlanta and across Georgia.

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Looking to volunteer?

We’re always looking for extra hands and resources to support our hunger relief and housing operations.

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